Not a new design trick but still one of my favorites. I am a big believer of designing with function first then make it look pretty! And chalkboards are a must in any active family. They are great for identifying needed groceries in the kitchen, making to do lists in an office or distracting little ones while you prepare dinner. Here are some images of creative chalkboard installations that I have collected over the years. You can buy a can of chalkboard paint for under $20! Check out this how to guide from Lowe's.
I was inspired today by one of my favorite design blogs, Design Sponge, that did a post on colored chalkboard paint. A concept so simple that I cannot believe no one thought of it before! Check out the bevy of colors from Hudson Paint, produced by a family-run paint business in the Hudson Valley.
And check out the creative uses blogger Raina Kattelson found for the new paint!
~Images: 1) Unknown 2) Domino Jan/Feb 2006 3) Unknown 4) Cottage Living Nov 2007 5) Cottage Living September 2007 6) Cottage Living Oct 2007 7) BH&G Oct 2006