Step One: De-Clutter
We are all guilty of hanging onto things that we just don't need. Whether it is a pair of jeans that no longer fit, an ex-boyfriend's sweatshirt, or a t-shirt from a college formal that occurred in the last decade, there comes a time when you just have to I understand that this can be a daunting process but you don't always have to hang on to a material possession to hang onto a memory. And I promise once you start purging, you will feel so much better!
This sounds crazy but the best way to get started is to pull everything out of your closet and then go through it all, item by item. You want to create three different piles a Throw Away, Give Away and a Keep.
Throw Away - anything that is damaged beyond repair
Give Away - anything that is out of style or does not fit
Keep - anything that still fits and that you have worn in the last year
There are many options for your "Give Away" items. You can give them to a friend, donate them to a charity like Goodwill or an organization like Dress for Success. Or you can consign them to a used or vintage clothing store in hopes of making a little extra cash!
If you are having a hard time deciding which pile to put items in, you might need psycological help. Just kidding! But you might need to invite a friend or two over to help you along in this process. Remember that scene in the "Sex and the City" movie where Carrie had the girls over to help her before she moved in with Big? Sometimes it takes a little "tough love" for you to see it is time to move on. We hold onto items for many different reasons ("but it was SO expensive" or "it might come back in style one day") so try to determine why you hold onto these items as you partake in this process. It might help you to deal with your issues so you don't make the same mistakes again in the future.
Now take your items to the trash, donation center, ebay store, etc. See, doesn't that feel better? Ok stop patting yourself on the back, take a deep breath, and prepare to tackle the "keep" items next!
~Images: 1) unknown 2) Book Shop Your Closet by Melanie Charleton Facitelli 3)