I am exhausted and I want to take a long nap in one of these...
And preferably in a location like this...
If you see me, please don't disturb me.
Since I live in the Lowcountry, I would feel remiss if I talked about hammocks without mentioning the Pawley's Island Hammock and sharing a little bit o' history. Christopher Columbus gets credit for discovering the hammock as he brought back boat loads full of them from the New World. But those hammocks were originally made of canvas and were rough and very hot! Many, many years later and many, many sleepless nights later, Captain Josh (Joshua John Ward) conceived the rope hammock which allowed for better air circulation. There was still the problem of the large knots so he continued at the design eventually coming up with the lattice style webbing as well as the spreader bar that kept the knots away from the body which allowed for a both a wider laying surface and much more comfortable for sleeping! The Original Hammock Shop, started in 1935 by Cap'n Josh's immediate family is still going strong today along the main road through Pawley's Island, South Carolina! Holla!
Happy Weekend!