I have an all-around crush on Daniel Faires, furniture designer and interior designer and former contestant on HGTV's Design Star. He is cute and Southern and a talented carpenter...who doesn't love a handy man, right? He has been with his wife for 11 years...they went to the Homecoming dance together (pause for the "awe's"). She works in fashion and is equally adorable. The New York Times did a feature on their stylish 375 sq ft apartment (oy vey!...I don't think I can pull that off.) check it out here.
The chalkboard wall is for guests and friends to leave a comment, note, etc. Cute idea!
Daniel makes some stuff for Emily's show Secrets from a Stylist...
Like this reclaimed wood coffee table...
He also makes and sells his own furniture, called Capsule, named from the glass capsule tucked inside each piece containing observations on the wood’s history. You can check out his creations here.
He says he gets a lot of his materials from around his hood...
He also has a blog.
Are you crushin' on him now too? I wish him lots of success!