MISS MOOX + time



Welcome to the first post! I’m Jo and this is my blog... Along with the website it has been a long time in the making & I'm not really sure what to say here or where to get started, but here goes...
My name is Jo (I already told you that!) and I live by the sea with my Canadian husband, Bill. We just recently moved here, out of our beloved London, which was a necessity to move ahead with our lives. We might go back one day, but for now we are staying put... slowly getting used to the change of pace here.I gave up my job in TV production to follow my dream of working for myself, doing something I love. It's hard work, but so very worth it. Teaching myself how to run a business from scratch while having to learn to deal with no social interaction every day is tricky at times, but I'm getting there!
I spend the majority of my time drawing, designing, printing and making things to sell in my new shop... opening soon! There's still loads to do but now I'm at a stage where I can start to get going with things and branch out into the world of blogging (where I've been a spectator for years, now it's finally time to participate...yikes!).
I don't know what else to say for now, but a few things I like:The sunshine but not the heat, eating out (every night if I had my way), graphic design, typography, swimming in the sea, ice cream (erm, hello salted caramel popcorn flavour - thank you Heston!) and all four seasons. You can't beat a good season change (the first leaves that fall in autumn, or a bright yellow daffodil appearing in spring...).
So, that's me. How about you? Anybody out there?!...

art, inspiration, life, love, and more:

Relevant to: HELLO WORLD! + time