I'm very pleased to announce that I will be a stall holder at the very first international Renegade Craft Fair, taking place this October in London. I'm really pleased to be taking part and can't wait to meet all the great people who'll be there. As always the fair is free to attend so please do come along and say hi!
This comes at a time when I'm furiously re-branding my shop, logo, website, this blog etc etc so should be perfect timing for all the changes that are taking place! I can't wait to reveal all the changes I'm currently working on and am desperately trying to be patient while things are going on behind the scenes here.
Massive thanks go to Renegade for accepting me to be part of their first overseas fair - it's going to be a blast! More info on Renegade Handmade & the fair here.
And obviously I'll be updating info here as we get nearer to it, so stay tuned...