MISS MOOX + room

Color me orange...

I went out to dig up some carrots to have with our dinner on New Years Day.
(They are keeping quite nicely under the maple leaves and I had to laugh...one carrot fed us for dinner!)
That crazy carrot had me smiling as I peeled the monster because...
I just plain love the color

It's really no secret...
Orange boat size of small Volkswagen strapped to small Volkswagen.

I've been having the urge to paint something orange.
A room...Something?
It's been so dreary here...and cold.
You'll be happy to know the bathroom FEELS ten degrees warmer now!

Then I really had to laugh.
I think orange is going to my head.
My new glasses: black on the outside - orange on the inside.

New cheery fabric for panels above our bed,with a splash of sun!

If I could find one...

... I would drive one.

Don't you just love seeing the world through orange colored glasses?

bees, burbs, dinner, HAPPY, love, orange, and more:

Relevant to: Color me orange... + room