I might whine when I get too busy but I'm very THANKFUL that people pay me to design their homes.
I might roll my eyes when they continue to "parent" me but I'm THANKFUL to have amazing and supportive parents.
I might dream of new countertops and appliances but I'm THANKFUL to have a roof over my head.
I might joke about wishing I had a niece to play with but I'm very THANKFUL to be an aunt to three of the best nephews a girl could ever ask for!
I might complain about the heat and humidity in mid-August but I'm THANKFUL to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world!
I might need "Sidney" time every now and again but I'm THANKFUL to have great friends to spend time with when I don't! xoxo
I might wish for a new wardrobe but I'm THANKFUL to have clothes on to keep me warm.
I might gripe about my weight and/or physical flaws but I am THANKFUL to be healthy.
Sometimes we need to put things in perspective, don't we?
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I'm taking some much needed time off...be back in a few days.