MISS MOOX + time



You may (or may not!) have noticed that things have been a bit quiet around here lately. I've been focusing so much on getting work done I haven't found the time to update over here very often, or even visit all the blogs I regularly read and love (like yours!). I realised that it's sometimes too easy to let everything get on top of you and after a not so good first half to this year, I just jumped right into my work without allowing myself time to pause. As a freelancer there aren't any paid holidays or any allotted number of days off in a year. It's simple: if I don't work, I don't get paid. So I find it difficult to book time off and to allow myself to enjoy any time away from work without a horrible panicky, guilty feeling that I should be doing something. This can't be good! So, I've come to the agreement with myself that it's ok to take some time off every once in a while to just breathe. I'll be back here in a week or so, but for now I need to just... stop.
I'm looking forward to this much needed break and can't wait to come back refreshed and ready to go again, so I just hope I can learn how to switch off from it all (something I find insanely difficult). Does anyone have any tips or ways of doing this? Do you have any techniques of how to cope when a million things are spinning around in your head 24 hours a day? I'd love to hear them!
Until then...

HOPE, inspiration, life, love, and more:

Relevant to: TAKING A BREAK + time