MISS MOOX + time

rain, rain, go away

It's raining. And raining and raining and raining. It's been raining for a very long time. It decided to start over a week ago, picked up steam along the way, and is apparently enjoying it so much that it isn't going to stop anytime soon.

Every day, the sky batters down like it's trying to perfect its raining technique. As if it's worked up a really good anger at the New England seacoast and is determined to thrash it out. Occasionally it drops down to a mizzle. More often it builds up into a really good, thick, pounding rain.

The roads are streaming with water. Everything is running, pouring, dripping, swirling, sitting under several inches. Cataclysmic-sized puddles drown unfortunate low-lying areas. Everyone's basement is flooded. Some people, apparently, have been evacuated in Massachusetts. It's gray and misty all the time.

So welcome to the never-ending rain. The rain which apparently is the worst in over seventy years. Will it ever stop? I hope so. I'm looking forward to when it gets to be summer here. If it ever does.

art, HOPE, inspiration, people, road, summer, and more:

Relevant to: rain, rain, go away + time