MISS MOOX + room

Monkeying Around

Good Monday Morning...My sweet family and friends! Many people don't like Mondays...but, I do!

Today, I have the pleasure of spending the day hanging out in my sewing room...or, as I like to call it..."My Sandbox". (I'm like a child who, once I start sewing, doesn't want to stop...No matter what!)

Can you hear me singing..."The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music"?

Whatever in the world made you think that RED IS MY FAVORITE COLOR?

I hope you will come back in a few days...I will be posting some of the sewing projects that I have had the fun of stitching up.

Have a great week, sweet friends!
Carolynn xoxo

I posted my Red Sock Monkeys on REDNESDAY... www.suelovescherries.blogspot.com

art, cottage, family, favorite, home, HOPE, love, morning, people, and more:

Relevant to: Monkeying Around + room